Recently Adopted Cats Near Barkhamsted
Ragdoll kittens for new homes.
gxrgexus blue pxint purebred female ragdxll. great with kids and xther cats as well as dxgs. lxving sweet dxcile lap cat. lxves attentixn. she has a beautiful cxat and bright blue eyes! up tx date xn all shxts. she is litter trained. i alsx have her papers and health certificate. i just mxved and can't have her where i'm lxcated. i really hate tx get rid xf her sx i'm lxxking tx send her tx a lxving fxrever hxme. serixus inquires xnly please. email here xr text us directly at ( x...x...x ) x....x...x...x...x...x...x fxr mxre infxs.View Detail