Recently Adopted Cats Near Kearneysville
Ragdoll/ragamuffin mix
I have 2 beautiful female kittens. Mom is a ragamuffin and dad is a Ragdoll. They were born April 20th 2023. They’ve been raised under foot at home with our family. We have kids coming and going 2 dogs and their parents who are our pets. They roll with the flow and handle the chaos great!! Bonkers is a lynx point she was the first to leave the "den" and explore. She is always up for a game of toys on a pole. She loves to pretend to hunt and is a beauty! Bandit is a seal point, she is a talker. She comes up for love and attention then she’s off again! She’s a sweet typical Ragdoll! They’ve had their first round of shots have been dewormed and the vet says they look beautiful and are healthy and strong. Text xxxxxxxxxx KristiView Detail