Recently Adopted Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies Near The Dalles
Puppy for sale. King Cavalier
We have a AKC cavalier king for sale. He is 11 months old. He is very lovable. Is good around children and other dogs. He does sit and down in command. He is potty trainedi he actually rings a bell to go outside. He is up to date on all vaccines including rabies. He is neutered and microchipped. He did break a leg when he was young but went to emergency dog care to have it fixed. He doesn’t have any symptoms. He has healed wonderfully. He has been kenneled most of his life with the breeder. He likes to cuddle on the bed at night and the couch in the day. He enjoys going to groomer to have a bath and trim his fuzzy feet. He is shy with new people but eventually he accepts them. He does walk well with a harness and loves car rides. He weighs about 14 lbs and is full grown. So he is between a small and medium puppy. He is starting to learn how to shake. Loves toys and chew rawhides. I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email My name is JeanView Detail
Cavalier king for sale
AKC young boy is ready for new home. He is a ruby with cream chest and feet. He has been neutered and up to date on all vaccines including rabies. He has a microchip. He is potty trained. Has a bell hanging by door that he rings when he needs to go outside. He is playful. Loves his toys and rawhides. On command he will sit stay fetch and down. He is shy but he feels safe in a lap. He walks on a harness and loves car rides. He also loves baths. He will bark if someone is at the door. He has been around large dogs and small kids which he does great with.View Detail