Recently Adopted Cavapoo Puppies Near Wayne County
Small Poodle Mix puppies
TOY CAVAPOO! bigger male ($600), and small female ($750). Born 8-6-23. They will be about 10 lb when grown. Bred for sweet temperament. Cute faces. Curly, non-shedding coat. Up to date on shots, worming and vet check. See them in Clyde NY Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx NO ONLINE REPLIESView Detail
Sharis Cavapoos
We are in home small breeder of Cavapoos and Cavalier King Charles pups. We own 3 females and 1 of them is retired playing role of Grandma. We have a handsome toy poodle whom sires our litters. He is a 11# apricot toy poodle and our girls are purebred blenheim cavalier king charles and a solid ruby cavalier king charles. Our dogs and puppies are raised in the home in the same living area that we spend as a family because after all they are the heart of our family. They are well socialized with both humans and our big boy Angus who is a gentle Rottweiller. He loves the girls and the pups. Our puppies are handled and loved from the day we find out the pregnancy is confirmed until they go home to their forever families that we choose as we see fit. And of course we keep in touch with our puppy families for years to come after. We strive and take all health measures seriously to produce strong, healthy pups. We are very proud of the small breeding family that we are. We are always available for any questions during the whole process and continued support after you have your furbaby with you.View Detail