They will have a lovely non shedding coat that will be really colorful, curly and soft to..
All our Cavalier King Charles puppies are raised with quality care from day one to insure..
Quinn is a2 year old un-neutered black puli
He is affectionate and energetic
Weighs in ..
I have 1 Red female puppy looking for a forever home. Rehoming fee is $1200.00. Both pare..
2 girls and 1 boy chihuahua puppies well come with health certificates and first set of s..
I have two puppys left they will be small the mom I'd under 5 pounds and dad is 6 they wi..
$400 Males and $500 females with shot, dewormed and ckc papers. Text for information xxxx..
I have a female pure bred Chihuahua named Charlie. she is the most loving dog. she loves ..
Quinn is a2 year old un-neutered black puli
He is affectionate and energetic
Weighs in ..
I have a3 year old male chihuahua his name is Rebbell he is a very sweet and loving dog. ..
i have six beautiful chihuahua puppies part full part toy 3 male 3 female you can text me..
I have a6 week old goldendoodle, he is such a sweet loving baby, however I am unable to k..
Female purebred shih tzu. One week new born. Dad and mom are small Shitzu same bred. Mom ..
He is a very energetic and loving puppy. He loves trying to kiss you and wants to play al..
3 purebred Maltese. I have 1 female and 2 males. They are 7 weeks old. They are CKC regis..
3 female Morkie pups. They will come with vaccinations, vet checkup and health certificat..
Hello, I have 4 Boxer puppies, 3 males and one female, all white, all 3 months old, vacci..
Looking for a loyal, playful, and loving companion? Meet Baby, a 10-month-old direct impo..