Recently Adopted YorkiePoo Puppies
Yorkiepoo puppies
Female Yorkiepoo first shots 8 weeks old& dewormed will be about 5lbsView Detail
1 year old YorkiPooh for Sale
Looking for loving home for 1 year old puppy. Need to rehome due to child in sports now and not able to give them the time of attention. Loves to play and loves kids. Will play all day if could.View Detail
xxxx Yorkipoos
Full blooded yorkipoos Born September 30 three males left they are all up to date on all shots we have both parents on site mom is a miniature poodle dad is a yorkie everyone is registered.View Detail
YorkiePoo Puppies
Girl is black and tan she is $450 and the boy is the black one he is $300 firm. They will have their first vaccine when they are ready and has been wormed. Located in xxxx please only serious inquiries only.View Detail
Tiny healthy Puppy
This will be Lolas last litter of puppies, she’s retiring. Previous litters from same breeding with my stud Henry, pups average adult weight 3.5-4.5 pounds. If interested please reach out to me for more information. I am able to deliver for additional fee. Puppy comes with 1 year health guarantee! Dad is AKC 3.8 pound Yorkie and mom is 5 pound yorkiepoo. My pups are adorable and healthy! $200 deposit to hold your spot! Located xxxx. References upon request.View Detail
These adorable hypoallergenic babies are ready for new homes 11/18. They have first puppy shot, vet checks, tails docking. Really chill and tail wagging sweethearts. Mom is yorkie dad is bichon. Will weight around 10/14 lbs.View Detail
Both Girls black touch of white, 5-7 pounds first shots wormed vet checked not a breeder never been in a cageView Detail
Black with just a touch of white, 8 weeks vet checked first shots wormed. Not a breeder never in a cage 5-7 pounds. Both girlsView Detail
Half yorkie half bichon. Adorable and so sweet! Ready for a new home Nov 9 They are active puppies and really adorable Rehoming fee applies Text me for more info Multi colored one is the female Males are mostly black now. Their color changes like a yorkie.View Detail
Yorkipoo for sale
9 week old pup with set of first vaccines. She was purchased for my daughter as a Christmas gift but I soon realized my little is allergic to dogs. Looking to rehome her to a loving family.View Detail
Yorkipoo’s 1 boy Jasper 2 girls Jade and Jessie
Mom is a very sweet lovable smart mini Poodle . Dad is a little more energetic he is very playful and loves to run outsideView Detail
Yorkie poos
Male pup is 45, he is the black one. Female is 750, rare merle color.both are beautiful and playful. Have had 2 sets of shots, heartworm medicine and flea an tick protection. Mom is small yorkie.View Detail
Adorable yorkiepoo puppies
Three female and one male second generation Yorkiepoo puppies will be ready second week in November 2024 mom is toy poodle mixed with Yorky. Dad is miniature poodle mix with Yorkie. Contact at us at xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Male 5 months old
Please text if interested or leave a voicemail Utd on shots for the year Some basic training Crate trained Sleeps all night Litter box trained Great with kids and other dogs Walking on leasheView Detail
Yorkiepoo female puppy
Playful adorable female Yorkiepoo born August 4th! Will be no more then 6-7 lbs fully grown thank youView Detail
Black /white yorkiepoo male
I work a lot don’t have much time to enjoy having a dog.I’m selling a yorkiepoo male who is well trained .I unfortunately can’t keep him due to me always traveling for work .I would like to find him a new home!View Detail
Aurelia Caesar
Aurelia Caesar A Beautiful T-cup Yorkiepoo , Female . Stunning Multicolored Beauty With A Bold Personality! Born 06-29-24 Aurelia Is Playful , loving ,Cuddly & Very Smart . She Is Registered, Vaccinated, Dewormed, Microchip, Health Certified, taildock & ready for a pick up . Serious inquiries only . Contact xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
xxxx A Beauty , T-cup Yorkiepoo Female . She is cute and tiny ,very active with sweet loving personality, she was born 06/29/24 . Julia will grow to be 4 to 5lbs. Max. She is Registered, Vaccinated, Dewormed, Microchips , Health Certified and tail dock ! Ready For pick up ! Serious inquiries only contact Amorie xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Yorkie poo puppies
Beautiful babies One boy and one girl Warmed Tails docked Playful and fun xxx.xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Female Yorkie Poo
Black and brown 4 months old female puppy. Has shots and will have spayed. Looking for a good home.View Detail
Locations Where YorkiePoo Puppies are Available
Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland