Two Gorgeous Male Chihuahuas looking for their forever home. 8.5 weeks old and 2.5 lbs. T..
I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
Small Adorable Male Yorkie Terrier. 14 wks old 3 puppy, Alot Cuter in Person..
"You're my boy, Blue!" This guy is identified by his blue collar and his shy dem..
Beautiful Kennel Club registered pups are available to new forever loving home. All have ..
lovely Chihuahua puppies born from AKC Reg and health tested family pets. The pups will l..
Ready now. Tiny t-cup pedigree chihuahua puppy. This super stunning adorable White and Cr..
Here I have a beautiful litter of 4 chihuahua boys, they are wormed& fleed up to date..
Small Adorable Male Yorkie Terrier. 14 wks old 3 puppy, Alot Cuter in Person..
Located in south Holland,cindy is very beautiful,loving and also sociail.Was brought up u..
Located in Germany was born in June 22,is very friendly,loyal,social and can be a Great C..
Very adorable puppies who have alot of play time ,friendly and Loyal.has a great sense of..
I have 2 Chihuahua puppies. 1 male and 1 females. They are great dogs. These dogs can not..
She has a fluffy coat that will make your heart melt! She loves to play and give endless ..
3 boys and 2 girls. Both parents are friendly, intelligent and here to meet.dna tested cl..
Babies are so cute, they are very intelligent and understanding please don't miss them..
1 girl puppy left the smallest out of her siblings she has her first vaccine and dewormin..
The pups are currently nearly 11 weeks old, and are long haired. They have started to pot..
hi I have 11, 6 week old Bullmastiff pups for sale Brindel and some tan, please give me a..
I have 3 female puppy pugs available. They are 9 weeks old and have received 1st set of s..
Black standard F1B Goldendoodle female 5 week old puppy ready to go home with you Christm..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...