Recently Adopted Coton De Tulear Puppies Near Currituck County
Coton de Tulear
3 female puppies available. 10 weeks old. They have received their first distemper/parvo test and have healthy vet check ups. Parents are AKC registered and DNA tested. Cotons are hypoallergenic and nonshedding. They have a fun personality, are loyal, and great with children. Please research the interesting history of this breed. Feel free to call, text, or email fkr additional pictures and information.View Detail
Carolina Cotons
White, 2 females, 2 males, 7 weeks old. They will be ready for their new forever homes in 2-3 weeks. Puppies have had their first set of shots and deworming. Please read the following and research these beautiful, loving dogs. Both mom and dad are AKC registered.View Detail