Recently Adopted Dachshund Puppies Near Pierz
Mini Dachshunds Smooth
I have mini Dachshund puppies for sale. AKC Registration available. They are smooth haired mother is 8lbs father is 9 1/2 lbs. They were born June 1st. They will be ready to leave our home in 8 weeks. They will have there 1st set of shots and dewormer and vet checked before they leave our home. If your interested please contact me let me know where u found me also im trying to keep track of the best places to do my adds Check out my website also I will have them on there shortly with individual pictures along with prices in the next few days. Thank youView Detail
AKC mini Dachshunds puppies
We will have two litters of Mini doxies being born here in the next few weeks. We are located in MN if you are interested in getting on our waiting list please contact me. They will be AKC registered vet checked before they leave our home. We could get black, tan, black and tan piebald/dapple. Never know what we will get until they are born. Here are pics of the parents. Check out our website also we will update there as they are born with price also. xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxView Detail