Recently Adopted Dachshund Puppies Near Solano County
Dachshund Puppies **ALMOST READY TO GO!!!**
I have 4 extraordinary red Doxie pups, 2 males &2 females, available for rehoming. They were born on 4/7/23 and will be ready to go home to you vet-checked, having first shots and deworming, starting after the first week of June. Will include all records, their blanket, toys, etc. Mom is a gorgeous short-haired red & Dad is a ridiculously cute short-haired black & tan (last photo) - they are our family pets We love the babies SO MUCH, but ultimately want them to go to forever homes that will love them just as much since we can\'t keep them all. Please feel free to call or message me for more details/photos. xxxxxxxxxx ~Thanks, TerriView Detail
Eevee the dachshund
Eevee is a year old Dachshund she is a mix between short and long hair she is updated on all her vacations. She is not neutered. She is a very sweet girl and she loves running, playing either her toys, and naps. She will come with food and water bowl, three months worth of food, a cage, dog traveling cage, harness, collar, and a leash. Text me at +1 (3xx) xx3-6xx6 with any questions. Do not contact me with unsolicited services or offers.View Detail