Recently Adopted Doberman Pinscher Puppies Near Saginaw County
AKC Doberman Puppy
Ears cropped with show cut. Currently being crate trained and doing well with basic commands. She is microchipped. Lucy is a beautiful red and rust female with exceptional size, conformation and temperament, she weighs 35 lbs at 14 weeks and has European bloodlines. There were all four AKC approved colors in her litter and I have a five generation pedigree for both of her parents. She is not Z factored. I have DNA testing for both of her parents and I health guarantee. Her tails & dew claws are done, she is current on all vaccinations and is wormed. I have 40 years experience with the breed and I have had this bloodline for 15 years. Dobermans are great family pets and good protectors. She is family raised with TLC, held from birth and ready for her select loving home.This girl has it all!View Detail
European Doberman
I have 5 babies looking for there new best friends to take one of us with them. Tails docked, declaws removed, first shots, deworming treatments. forView Detail
Doberman Puppies
Puppies are 3 weeks old AKC registration papers with puppy, tails and dew claws are removed. Vet check and first shots will be given before they go home June 27th.View Detail
European Doberman
European Doberman Pincher Puppies ready for there furever homes. We have 1 female left. First shots and deworming treatments, tails docked and declaws removed. Also they have there Booster shots for more information please text or call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
European Doberman Puppies
They were born on May 30th 2021, Tails docked and declaws removed. First shots and deworming treatments for more information please text or call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Doberman puppy
Trying to find a home for my nextdoor neighbor she lost her house so i am trying to relocate her puppie he is 20 weeks old he has is tail and ears also duw claws he is brown trained him to sit and stay the $100.00 is for relocating feeView Detail
Doberman pinscher puppies for sale
Ready to go now birthday is 10/13/2017 ( 2 Red and Rust Girl ) ( 2 Blue and Rust Girl ) (1 Fawn and Rust Girl) ( NO BOYS All SOLD ) Akc Doberman Pinscher puppy's We have No boys already Gone they are going fast dewclaws removed, tails docked, first set of shots, dewormed, you can text or call missy at xxx-xxx-xxxx we are located in Saginaw Michigan you can follow us on Facebook DobermanPincherPuppyscallortextxxxxxxxxxx.comView Detail