Recently Adopted Doberman Pinscher Puppies Near Sequoyah County
European Doberman puppies
7 males 3 females still available. Ready to go to their forever homes. 100% European bloodlines. Parents have been imported from working and show kennels in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. High drive and extremely smart. Parents have been health tested. For additional info please email me at xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
100% European doberman puppies for sale. 9 left. 5 females/ 4 males.
Puppies born 11/17/22 amd ready to go to their forever homes. Beautiful 100% euro doberman puppies. Mom and dad on site. Some of the best genetics you will find in the states. Dad is out of Sant Kreal kennel amd angels and demon kennel in Russia and Belarus. Mom is from assolutonero kennel in Serbia. Both parents health tested. Tons of pics available. Located eastern Oklahoma. Price depends on full breeding rights or no breeding rights. Of course they are registered with AKC. If interested in further discussion please email me at Detail