Recently Adopted Double Doodle Puppies Near Macomb County
Doubledoodles The new craze!
One time litter from 2 lovable family pets. Mom is a 45lb F2 golden doodle, Dad is a 55lb F2bb labradoodle (87% poodle). 11 Puppies were born November 10th. We have 8 girls and 1 boy left. 6 Golden and 3 Black with white markings. Puppies will have proof of vaccines and be ready to go home first week of January. Call or Text Peggy at xxx xxx-xxx6 Double Doodle: The New Craze - The Double Doodle is a hybrid combination of three breeds: Golden Retrievers, Poodles, and Labrador Retrievers. - Double Doodles are medium-sized dogs that stand roughly 20-29 inches and weigh 45-70 pounds when fully grown. - Their coat is on the longer side of medium and very dense. - They are non- to light shedders and may be a good match for people with allergies. - They typically have cream, black, brown, or white coloration and have long tails. - They have long, floppy ears with dark eyes and a sweet, loving expression. The Double Doodle is an intelligent and trusting dog with an adorable appearance and great personality. They endear themselves to everyone they meet with their friendly, intelligent, accepting nature. They get along great with other pets, and they tend to be patient and gentle with young children. Their hybrid origins make them less susceptible to health concerns common among purebred animals and they come from a long line of wonderful family dogs which typically results in great family pets.View Detail