Recently Adopted English Bulldog Puppies Near Abernant
AKC English Bulldog puppies
I have a Litter of AKC English Bulldog puppies DOB: 12/27/14. 3 males/4 Females. Sweet P (Dam) is on site.Sire is Bruno from Sam's Bulldogs. Bruno is grand sired of Ch. Sam Zeus. He has 25 Champions in a5 generation pedigree. Champions include: Ch. Beauties Amos, Ch. Millcoats Titus, Ch. Briants Howdie of Donatos. Puppies will be ready to go at 8 weeks: 2/21/15. They will be vet checked, shots up to date, and de-wormed and come with 1 yr health guarantee. Please contact for more information (xxx) xxx-xxx4.View Detail