Recently Adopted French Bulldog Puppies Near Chillicothe
Frenchie puppies
Hi there. We have 4 male frenchies available. One blue, one lilac and two Merle’s. This is our 6 litter of puppies. They will come AKC. They will be vet checked and first set of shots. They will be dewormed as well. They will have a one year health guarantee. We also spoil our babies as well. They will be ready to go home April 10th. I have attached a picture of mom and dad as well. You can call or text at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Jim’s French Gems
Beautiful healthy frenchie babies ready to love you! Born Jan 7 dewormed at 2 and 6 wks, first vet visit and vaccines. 4 females and 2 males. AKC, crate trained and pee pad trained. Mom and dad AKC and DNA tested. Brindle and blue merle. Please leave a voicemail text or email to know more! These cutie pies won’t last long!View Detail