Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Central Point
German shepard pups
4 female 9 week old german shepard puppies. Born march 30th, these beautiful ladies came from a litter of 9 which includes an all white pup (already sold). Mom is almost 4 and comes from an all white litter (she was the only black/tan pup) and both of her parents were also white. Dad comes from grants pass and just turned 4. These sweet girls have had their 1st shots, have been dewormed and are in the process of being potty trained. Comes with proof of shots, small bag of puppy food and knowledge that they have been raised around other animals, children of all ages and are the perfect family dog for you.View Detail
Puppies for sale
Hi there our Girl just had puppies on 4/17 3 gboys and 4 girls available Please reach out if interested They are starting to look for heir forever homes I will add a picture of mom and dadView Detail