Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Golden Valley
12 Week Old German Shepherd Pup
I have a beautiful black sable female for sale. She has had 3 sets of vaccines, has a microchip, deworm twice and comes with limited AKC papers. Her price is 600.00. If you want full registration it will be an extra 200.00. Her pedigree is amazing. Please email or text me at or xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
German Shepherd pups
I have 1 Bi-color male and 5 Sable females left for sale. They will be ready for their new homes June 16,2016. They all come with first set of vaccines, a microchip, deworm twice and your choice of limited or full AKC registration. These pups have an amazing pedigree. Their father is Little Diego Dahlia and the mother is Den Wolf's Lusy. Diego's father is a5 time champion out of Czech. This is the last breeding from these two. My prices are 800.00 for limited or 1000.00 for full. They have proven to produce K-9 police, service work, home protection, working and just awesome pets. I have kept 3 females out of these two. I will ship at owners expense. You can contact me at or at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail