Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Kapolei
Purebred GSD puppies
Meet up in Kapolei to see her 1 male and 1 female available. Puppies are 8 weeks, Have first shots, and paper work for their checkups. They are healthy and ready to go to their new homes. They are trained to go on puppy pad already on their own. They are very playful and agile like their parents. They eat puppy kibble, solid digestion every time. They are inside dogs atm. Potential to be a great loyal, smart, and loving dog with the right family. Parents info, Purebred GSD, mom is akc registered, her mom is working line and her dad is show line. Purebred GSD dad his parents were both working line gsd. His dad is akc registered. Moms paperwork got lost due to shop shutting down owners said. So we’re still trying to find a way to get him Akc registered. Dad is super athletic and quick learner, good temperament, can be off leash in public Mom is very protective, smart, and athletic. She can be out in public due to basic training and patience. Call or text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail