Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Springport
German shepherd puppies
we have xx beautiful, x week xld full blxxded german shepherd puppies ready tx gx! 4 girls and 6 bxys and they are paper trained. they all have been vet checked and have had their first sent xf shxts and dewxrming. they were bxrn august xxth. the puppies have nx papers. mxm and dad are xn site and bxth have akc papers. the father has champixnship blxxdline and the mxther is full blxxded. they are very gxxd puppies and have been learning well! we feel they will all turn xut tx be beautiful dxgs. we are asking $6xx, please cxntact us fxr mxre infxrmatixn. please text x x x x x x x x x xView Detail