Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Mount Sterling
3 puppies ready for new home
1/2 German Shepard 1/2 Pit They was born September 29th All 3 males 50 or best offerView Detail
Akc 4 months old
These puppies was rescued from my bad home and are looking for a new loving home. Located in Mt.Sterling Kentucky please contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
German Shepherd Puppy
12 week old AKC German Shepherd female. She will either be a Black and Tan/red blanket or saddle back short coat when full grown. She will come with her AKC registration papers, she’s microchipped, has been dewormed at the appropriate ages, has had her first and second set of shots done by the vet. We have started crate training and she does well. She’s had a couple pee accidents but typically makes it about 7 hours before needing to go. She will use pads and we are working on house-training. She is in the land shark phase and does like to nibble the occasional finger but she is pretty gentle and has never broken my skin. She’s had a few baths and her nails have been trimmed a few times. She’s a little hard headed and needs someone who has patience. She loves treats! She loves to cuddle on the couch. Her daddy has been teaching her to get in the back floor board of the truck. She tries her best but shes still to small to make it alone but she does well and so far hasn’t had any car sickness. I would also recommend a home with older/calmer children. She’s a little scared of my 3 year old nephew. She does well with my 6 adult shepherds so she should be ok if properly introduced to other dogs in the family. My cat has not been cooperative. She is used to a cat in the house, he’s just a cranky jerk and won’t play with her. She will bark but stops when told to leave him alone. She is already fairly protective and doesn’t hesitate to bark and move forward towards whatever she’s concerned about. She also likes to steal flip flops. See photos for evidence. Mom and dad are on site. A little American working, west german working, and Czech working with titled dogs several generations back. Has been predominately pet lines for the last several generations. I am a real person trying to find a home for a real puppy. I have surgery on my neck next week and am afraid I won’t be able to provide the care she needs for a bit. I don’t have time to waste on scammers. I take cash/PayPal/Venmo/or cash app. I do not take a check or cashiers check so please don’t waste my time saying my price is agreeable and you will pay me $50 more to hold and send me a cashiers check. I also will not do the can I send you a pin to verify your real thing. My phone number doesn’t work for verification and I don’t have another number to send you. Don’t waste my time. I am more than willing to talk on the phone, even FaceTime so you can see me and the puppy, as well as give you references from the other 7 people who got a puppy from this litter. I will also not arrange shipping for you if that’s what you decide to do. Do not ask to send me a western union for extra money and me pay the transport company. Read the list of payment options I except. If we can work it out I will try to deliver her for the cost of gas if you’d like but it would have to be before Friday the 14th as that’s when I have to start quarantine for my surgery. If you pick her up in person or if I deliver her to you you would not need to pay me until delivery. This should help ease scam concerns. For all of the real people reading this I apologize but I’m just so sick of scammers. I need to find this girl a good home and I’m running out of time. I got Covid from someone who picked up a puppy which delayed finding her a home, not her fault. I did just test negative so I’m good. That being said I have to take another test before surgery and it has to be negative so if you have been exposed please let me know so we can best plan on how to keep safe. Text is the quickest and best way to reach me. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
AKC German Shepherd Puppies
Purebred working line GSDs. I am offering AKC full registration for $1000. I am also offering AKC limited registration for pet only homes that includes a spay/neuter contract for $800. Cost of AKC registration, microchip activation is included in the price. They have been vet checked, had 2 rounds of Nemex de wormer, first set of shots, have been microchipped, started on puppy pads, and are fully weaned eating Purina Puppy Chow Complete. Will come with 30 days AKC pet insurance, sample bag of puppy food, Purina coupon, collar, leash, blanket and toy with mom and litter mates scent on them. Must agree to terms and conditions in contract. Contract includes a short and long term health guarantee. Long term guarantee is good for 2 years. Have 3 Black and Tan girls, 1 Black and Tan boy, and 2 black male pups that have a few little white hairs on their chest. They were born on Valentines Day and will be ready 4/11/21. I will not arrange shipping through a third party. Buyer is responsible for that. I may be available to personally deliver for the cost of expenses. Contact me for more information, text is preferred. I have PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo.View Detail
CKC German Shepherd Puppies
Born 11/11/19. 3 sable males and 1 black & tan female still available. 1st shots and age appropriate wormings. Parents and puppies all have exceptional temperaments. Both parents on site.View Detail
German Shepard Puppies For Sale
German Shepherd PuppiesView Detail