Recently Adopted German Shepherd Puppies Near Daviess County
4 year old German Shepherd
Shelby has beautiful puppies. She doesnt get along with female dogs. She does fine with males. She is full akc and has pedigree. My cell is xxx xxx xxx7 for more info. She is located in Owensboro kyView Detail
Akc german shepherd puppies
Very loving akc german shepherd puppies. 8 weeks old snd ready for their furever homes. 1st 2 rounds of shots given, and dewormed every 2 weeks from 2 weeks old. They have been raised in my home with my family. Both psrents are on site. I am in kentucky but im willing to deliver to neighboring states for an additional fee.if one of these beautiful fur babies catch ur eye please feel free to contact me for more information. I know they are looking forward to meeting their new families. There are 3 males and 5 females available right now. So dont miss ur chance to bring one of these little bundles of joy home today.View Detail