Recently Adopted Golden Doodle Puppies Near Grand Traverse County
hypoallergenic, beautiful and very well loved mini goldendoodles
We have a beautiful litter of f1b mini goldendoodles. They will be an average of 20-35 pounds when full grown. contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx. These babies come with all the love and care you can imagine. They are the perfect size and will shed very minimally. They come with a two-year health guarantee, food and a blanket with moms scent on it. They have had first shots and deworming and all passed their health exams with flying colors. toomeysdoodles. godaddysites. com We spend a ton of time with the puppies and they come home very socialized and well loved We have mom, grandma and grandpa in our home with us. I have paperwork on dad, he is a moyen poodle weighing 18 poundsView Detail
Rip the mini doodle
We have a beautiful litter of f1b mini goldendoodles. They will be an average of 20-35 pounds when full grown. contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx. These babies come with all the love and care you can imagine. They are the perfect size and will shed very minimally. They come with a two-year health guarantee, food and a blanket with moms scent on it. They have had first shots and deworming and all passed their health exams with flying colors. toomeysdoodles. godaddysites. com We spend a ton of time with the puppies and they come home very socialized and well loved We have mom, grandma and grandpa in our home with us. I have paperwork on dad, he is a moyen poodle weighing 18 poundsView Detail
11week Golden doodle
Male golden doodle 11 weeks old has first set of shots dewormed great with children. Serious inquires onlyView Detail