Recently Adopted Golden Doodle Puppies Near Lubbock
F1bb goldendoodles
We at mylabradoodlebreeder have been producing the greatest goldendoodles, Doubledoodles, labradoodle for the last 21 years!!! At this time we are proud to introduce Ellie Mae F1b goldendoodle mommy and AKC/ CKC Harley Chocolate Diamonds. Visit our website for more info xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Golden Doodle Puppies
2 males, 2 females still available. Mom is an F2 Golden Doodle. Dad is a registered retriever.View Detail
West Texas golden doodle
I have one golden doodle puppy left. He is a black curly male! He has had his first shots and has been vet checked and is ready to go to his forever home. He turned 7 weeks old on September 28th (born August 10th) I am a hobby breeder. I own one dog (the mama) and we have had her for 7 years and we just love her. I have 3 kids that really help socialize and love on the puppies. This is her second litter. Mom is a full blood unregistered black standard poodle and weighs 41lbs she is so smart and loves to hunt birds but doesn’t love the water. The dad is a registered more white colored golden retriever that weighs 60 lbs that belongs to my cousin he loves swimming and hanging out with chickens. There are pictures of them together bellow. We had our first litter last year at this time and I have picture of a male that this puppy should look like. Feel free to message me for more details. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail