Recently Adopted Golden Doodle Puppies Near North Highlands
Rehoming Puppies
f1b Goldendoodles puppies ready for their new home. We have females and males of light and dark brown colors , also we have straight and curls coat. You can contact me amd ask more about them to xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
F1b puppies Goldendoodle
Hey guys, I have adorable f1b Goldendoodles puppies ready for their new home. We have females and males of light and dark brown colors , also we have straight and curly coats. They are coming with their bery first shots and CKC paper. You can contact me amd ask more about them to xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx They are super friendly and do well with children are affectionate and enjoy to play .View Detail
F1b Puppies Golden Doodles
They don't shed. They are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. They enjoy working. They are typically easier to train. They are highly responsive, playful, and affectionate. 4 Female’s and 3 males 6 weeks healthy playfulView Detail
Two months 3 boys and 3 girls. Healthy, loves to play , eating good. Mixed breed mommy is shepherd and dad is standard golden doodle. They are getting big we all selling them all, and parents are both tall.View Detail
F1 Standard goldendoodle
F1 golden doodles! Rehoming fee includes: up-to-date on shots Dewormed Pine pellet potty trained Akc registered parents 1 year health guarantee Fed high-quality food Highly socialized/ stimulated Handled and Raised in our home With children who give constant love and affection. We can honestly say we know our puppies individually and spend so much time raising the perfect family pet! We would love for you to come out to meet them! Or please text for pictures. We are located in Sacramento.  Rehoming fee for our English teddybear doodles: $1850 accepting non refundable deposit $250. Email me if you have any other questions! Thank you- Danielle Follow us on Instagram to learn more about us and pictures of puppies and parents #teddybear_doodlesView Detail