Recently Adopted Golden Doodle Puppies Near Pulaski County
Kentucky Golden Doodles
I have a litter of 14 puppies born 03/4/2023 they will be ready the first week of May. 7 girls and 7 males they will come with all documentation and first round of shots and genetics test. I will also send a care package with each pup that has their information in it how much they weighed when born, what shots were given to them and the dates, also will come with a small bag of puppy food and a bandanna with the mothers scent on it… INDIVIDUAL PICTURES OF EACH PUPPY WILL BE TAKIN WHEN THEY ARE AROUND 5 weeks old and I will update them.also have pictures of parents and or can video chat at anytime so you can see themView Detail
Golden-doodles puppies
Beautiful white or light champagne colored golden doodle puppies. Mom’s first litter 6 boys and 6 girls All healthy and get checked. 2 weeks old will be ready Feb 21.View Detail
Golden Doodle for Rehoming
Rehoming our 10 month old Golden doodle Kylo of no fault of his on. He will need a fenced in yard . Very playful and loveable good with other dogs and kids .I will be picky about who he goes with. No papers but up to date on shots and been neutered. Text xxx xxx xxx2 located in Kentucky i can send picsView Detail
F1BB Golden doodles
F1BB Goldendoodles~wormings~shots utd~vet checked~health guarantee ~socialized~puppy pad trained~View Detail
F2b Mini Goldendoodles
F2b Mini Goldendoodles Taking $300 non refundable deposits. Puppies will be ready to go home June 9th. Come UTD on all shots and worming. Come with a vet health certificate and one yr genetic health guarantee. Puppies will weigh 20-30 lbs. Full grown. Carmel is $1500 and red $2000. Contact me for more information. Go like my fb page and see pictures of past puppies Detail
F2B Goldendoodle's
Beautiful white/Carmel Goldendoodle's. 10 weeks old looking for forever homes. These Doodles have great temperament and are so lovable! Only 3 boys left!! UTD on worm and shots you can also see more on Detail