Recently Adopted Golden Retriever Puppies Near Holton
AKC Golden Retrievers born May 7th. Call xxxx
Sweet little Goldens, born May 7th. Vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed on 6/23. These precious little ones were born to Sandy Lane Diamond (sire) and Sandy Lane Rebekah (dam). Parents are AKC Golden retrievers. Puppies are located in Holton MI, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see the puppies, callxxxx. If no answer, leave a message. sold Pearl sold Peggy Perry sold Pazia Perkin Patton sold Paris Palmer PhillipView Detail
Akc Golden Retrivers born 3-8-23. Call xxx xxx xxx2
AKC Golden Retriever puppies were born 3-8-23. Mother is Carmel, a golden brown AKC Golden Retriever, born 6-11-18. She is 75 lbs Father is Rodrigues, dark red, AKC Golden Retriever, 80 lbs, born 3-21-21. Puppies are located in Holton MI, between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see the puppies, call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, please leave a message and they will return your call. Starla is the smallest. Puppies are social and use to children. They will be vet checked, dewormed, utd on shots, and pre-snuggled. They have their AKC papers. Come meet our precious little ones now.View Detail
AKC Golden Retrievers born Oct 13
Dustin is our last pup. Eight precious purebred Golden Retriever puppies born Oct 12. Father is AKC registered Diamond. Mom is AKC registered Sally. Puppies can be registered AKC. Puppies have been vet checked, dewormed, and 1st shots. Puppies are very active and loving. They will add a lot of fun to your family. Females are: sold Ruby Sold Rita Males are: sold Rocky sold Ricky sold Roger sold Robert sold Ray sold Ron **** 2nd litter Diamond and Rebekah have a litter of Golden Retrievers born Oct 20. These precious little puppies have been vet checked, dewormed, and first shots. They are ready for their new forever home just in time for the new year. AKC registration papers come with the puppy. Puppies are playful and loving. They are located in Holton, MI one hour north of Grand Rapids. Females are: sold Dawn sold Debbie sold Delilah sold Dena sold Doris sold Dory Males are: sold Don Dustin sold Dreamer sold Drew sold Dennis Puppies are located north of Holton, MI between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come meet the adorable puppies, call xxx xxx xxx9 or xxx xxx.xxx3. If no answer, please leave a message and someone will return your call.View Detail