Recently Adopted Golden Retriever Puppies Near Yucaipa
Yucaipa, CA Golden Retriever Pups
Adorable purebred golden retriever puppies available for sale! We have a litter of 7 males and 3 females that were born on 3/5/23 and are ready to go to their new homes around April 30th when they will be 8 weeks old. Our puppies are priced at $1500 each. These pups will come with their first set of shots and be dewormed 4 times starting at 2 weeks. They will also have a vet examination before they can join their new families. We offer a one year health guarantee from congenital defects. In addition, these puppies will have socialization, a variety of desensitizations, and potty training. We are located in Yucaipa, California, and only pickup will occur. If you\'re interested in adopting one of our precious golden retriever puppies, please message us directly on Instagram at @xxxx. We\'ll be happy to answer any questions you have and provide more information on the adoption process. Don\'t miss out on the opportunity to add one of these sweet puppies to your family!View Detail
AKC golden retrievers
The puppies in this litter are from AKC registered parents & the litter is also registered. The puppies come from a great blood line. They are strong, healthy, beautiful & very playful. All the puppies have their first set of shots, AKC registration packet. The puppies will go home with food & toys. You can reserve your puppy for a $300 deposit. Please feel free to contact me @ xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail