Recently Adopted Golden Retriever Puppies Near Spring Hill
AKC English Golden Retriever Puppies
We have a beautiful litter from our Kaley and Remy born on 1/30/24, 13 in all. We currently have 2 precious females waiting for their forever families. They had their 8-week vet visit on 3/27. All are healthy from nose to tail and are ready to go to their new homes. The parents both have Full European bloodlines with many Champions and health clearances. They are also AKC registered. The sire has OFA good hips and is genetically clear on all accounts down the GR panel. Our puppies come with a FL veterinary health certificate including initial set of vaccines, AKC limited registration papers, and a 1-year health guarantee. Coat colors will range from cream to light golden. For Pics of the parents and general info, please feel free to visit our website and FB page xxxx. Puppy deposits are $500. Feel free to call or text xxxxxxxxxx with any additional questions.View Detail