Recently Adopted Goldendoodle Puppies Near Abbeville County
Mini Goldendoodles
We have a litter of mini goldendoodles that will be ready to go to their furever homes at the beginning of June. We have 1 female (pink collar) and 4 males. Their Mom is a 17lb white CKC registered mini goldendoodle and their dad is a 25lb Red CKC and AKC registered Red mini poodle. Both mom and dad live here at our home and are our family pets. These puppies will come with the papers you need to register them with the CKC. They will also have their dew claws removed. Give us a call or shoot us a text. We are taking adoption applications. We are asking $2000.00 for the males and $2500.00 for the female. My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. I can send more pics or videos upon requestView Detail
F1 Goldendoodles
We have a litter of 10 F1 standard Goldendoodles! Ginger and Rojo have had several previous litters of F1's and they have been gorgeous! They make beautiful puppies!! We have several available from this litter, so contact us today for more information! They will be ready for new homes around the end of April/beginning of May! They will be well adjusted and socialized, ready to easily transition into your home! xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
F1 Goldendoodles
We are expecting a litter of F1 Goldendoodles! They will have beautiful wavy fleece coats! We love our puppies well and can assure you they will make a wonderful addition to your family! We offer a health guarantee and CKC registration papers. You can find more information about us on our Contact us today for more information! xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail