Recently Adopted Great Dane Puppies Near Milton Township
Great Dane
I have a beautiful 21 month old, 100 lb. female named Bella for sale. Bella is black with white paws and a white chest. She is 100% Euro and was brought here from Russia. Shea€™s a great pet, walks perfectly on a leash, has no problem with other dogs and always likes to be with you. Bella needs a home without small children. She is protective of my wife, thata€™s good, but when my wife is playing with our 5 year old grandson she doesna€™t like it and will nip at him, thata€™s not good. Bella does not exhibit this behavior with older kids or grown-ups. Shea€™s had professional training and is well behaved. Bella has been spayed, tacked and current on all of her shots. For more information call Joe at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail