Recently Adopted Green Cheek Conure Birds Near Florida
Sweet hand raised green cheek conure babies
I have three very sweet babies available. They are just weaned off formula 3 months old. I am going to be doing DNA testing soon to find out genders. They all come with certificates and our disease, free and super friendly.!!!View Detail
Green cheek conure
Cage included only 3 months old tamed xxxxxxxxxx been great just wanting a bigger birdView Detail
Ellen Green cheek conure
This is Ellen. She can fly but she doesn't do it often but I keep her cage open all day so she can come and go as she pleases. She is friendly, loves fresh fruit, loves water. She loves to help you do the dishes or take a shower with you and sit on your head. She makes a fuss when she's ready for bed which is about midday around 5:00 p.m. she wants to be covered up to rest. She will also demand food if she hears any kind of wrapper lol. She does have a sharp beak and can bite, she only does this if she's provoked or scared. She doesn't like loud TVs or music. She does like to come down from her cage and harass my dogs and eat their food on occasion. She needs to be with somebody who can give her all of the time and attention that she desires. She is very social. Her cage will be included.View Detail
Pineapple Green Cheek Conure
Hi i am listing my pineapple conure for rehoming. He/she is very young just started eating on its own. Very tammed and friendly bird.View Detail
Red Factor Green Cheek Conure
Hi i am listing my red factor baby conure for rehoming. He/she is still being fed formula through syringe BUT he/she is almost ready to start eating by him/her self. Very tammed and friendy bird.View Detail
Adorable hand raised turquoise green cheek conures for sale
I have a couple turquoise baby green cheek conures for sale. They are a beautiful light turquoise blue green color. All of my babies are hand raised make great pets
100% disease freeView Detail
Green Cheek Conure
Diddy's owner recently passed away. He's very social and deserves more attention than he gets now or has gotten for some time as his owner was ill for many years me stopped handling him. He needs and deserves a good home where he'll get lots of attention. He loves to be out of his cage and will spend as much time as you'll let him on top of his cage. His owner used to carry him on her shoulder many years ago. She was ill for a long time and he lost the attention and his Sun Conure companion friend as he was rehomed. He does try to bite when he's in his cage but loves to be on your shoulder. He's in need of someone's time and TLC. He needs and desires more attention. If he can be with someone that's willing to re train him or give him the companionship of other birds he would be so happy. (I don't know if he's a male or a female). He LOVES walnuts and almonds. He also loves strawberries and other fruit. He also loves his sleeping tents. He's approximately 15-20 years old. His colors are beautiful! When he's happy he chatters a lot. He has lots of little sins and sounds. Sometimes he ticks like a time bomb about to go off. It's so funny! He's not afraid of people or other pets. He loves to interact with everyone. I'm not asking a lot of money because the most important thing to me is that he goes to a loving home and to someone with experience. If you would like to live in Diddy and give him a better life please contact me.View Detail
Sun conure brid
I ask $450 for each I have male and female ready to hash for the first time. call me or text xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Baby green cheek conure for adoption
Beautiful baby green cheek conures, Hand fed and socialized, this is the pet for you if you want a sweet and loving parrot. They enjoy kisses and cuddling, Reserve your baby now! We ship all across the U.SView Detail
Beautiful Conures with cages and all supplies
For sale is a pair of Green Cheek Conures. Peanut is a pineapple “Green cheek” conure and is around a year and a half old. We purchased him just over a year ago. Pretzel also a Green cheeked Conure is right at a year old. They have been together for about 8 months and are inseparable. They are very intelligent and pick up on things very quickly. The only reason I am selling them is we recently rescued a “Doodle” and he is very spooked by them and tends to be aggressive. I would hate for something happen to them and they deserve a good family without the fear of a dog snipping at them. Again they are great birds and absolutely love being around people. Would make a great Christmas addition to your family. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.View Detail
Beautiful young parakeet
Beautiful,young,tamed great family pet need a lot of attentionView Detail
Green cheek conure
8 month old green cheek conure with health certificate very smart little bird loves to play with toys. Asking 400 with cage. (xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
Baby Green Cheek Conures
I have one baby Green Cheek Conure left, hand feed and weened. Ready for a new home. Will need to bring own cage or carrier. Pease text if interested.View Detail
Green cheek conure
I need to rehome my green cheek conure and to home that has a buddy waiting for him or somebody that can spend a lot of time with them cause unfortunately I work all the time now everything in the pics come with him cash onlyView Detail
baby pineapple green cheeks for sale
There are 4 pineapple babies left 8 weeks old eating on there own and ready for a new home!!!
No refunds or returnsView Detail
Hand Fed Cinnomon Green Cheek
Cinnamon Green Cheek for sale. He is a little under 1 year old. Hand fed and a beautiful healthy bird. Cage is included. ThanksView Detail
Yellow-Sided Green cheek conure, name is goose.
Goose is a yellow-sided green cheek conure. This deal comes with a bird cage, food and water bowls, many toys, and a bed for him. He is a loving and interested bird. He loves to sit on your shoulder and hang out. Things he loves most are baths, hanging out with you, and interacting.View Detail
Green cheeked with cage
Green cheek conure, male almost 4 years old. He is nice, he likes to play. He doesn't not like to be in the cage for long time. And I have other birds. That's why I want to sell it. I hope I will sell it to someone who likes birds, and know how treat birds. With beautiful cage Thats all.View Detail
Conure for sale! He’s sweet and playful!
(Note: The price above includes the cost of everything required to care for the conure, including a home, toys, food, litter, and more)
Unfortunately, I am currently unable to take care of my bird, my mother has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, I have been spending a lot of time with her and haven’t had as much time to care for the bird. My father also works from home and cannot have the noise in the background. I am looking for a good, loving home for him. He is male, very playful and can be vocal at times. He’s an intelligent bird with a cuddly and kind personality. I am really hoping to find a great place for him to live!View Detail
Green Cheek Conure (2 Years Old raised from birth)
This green cheek conure’s name is Jack! He’s very friendly and loves to interact with people. He lives in a large cage with a3 year old cockatiel. I’m willing to let go of the whole set for a decent price.View Detail
Locations Where Green Cheek Conure Birds are Available in Florida
Polk County, Broward County, Miami-Dade County, Escambia County, Brevard County, Osceola County, Palm Beach County, Duval County, Orange County, Hillsborough County, Manatee County, Aloma, Collier County, Naples, Tampa, Davenport, Davie, Jacksonville, Orlando