Recently Adopted Jack-A-Poo Puppies Near De Kalb
Jack -a-poo puppies
I have a litter of Jack -a-poo puppies for sale. I am asking $500.00 each. A $100.00 deposit will hold the puppy of your choice. They were born on 2/27/2022 and will be ready to go on 4/24/2022. There are two females and one male left. These little guys should be hypoallergenic and stay under 10 lbs. They will be vaccinated and dewormed before they go to their forever homes. Please call Cindy at xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information and pictures.View Detail
Jack-a-poo puppies
I have one male and two female Jack -a-poo puppies for sale. They should be under 10 lbs and hypoallergenic. They will be vaccinated and dewormed before going to their forever homes. The parents are our house pets.View Detail