Recently Adopted Jack Russell Terrier Puppies Near Beaufort County
Jack russell terrier puppies
Beautiful jack russell puppies born May 30th 2023. 2 sweet females left ,Josie a tan and white ,smooth coat, female, Short legs and a docked tail. Maisey ,a broken coat ,tan and white female ,docked tail. Both are utd on shots and wormed at 2 4,6,8,weeks,vet checked and shot worming records . Both started on simparica trio at 8 weeks.please message or text .xxx-xxx-xxxx. Text anytime ,or leave a message puppies raised inside my home ,never outside until u come to pick them up. Mom, Roxy weighs 7lbs, dad, Fatback ,weighs 13 .100 deposit holds pup till pickup. In-person meet is totally fine ,or video chat. Whatever works best for u. Puppy pack includes iams puppy food, training pads, toys and blanket with mom's scent . Puppies are socislised with my kids and other dogs in home. I used training pads so they already are used to using them and beginning crate training. Please feel free to message and ask any questions. Ty for looking!View Detail