Recently Adopted Jack Russell Terrier Puppies Near German Flatts
Jack Russell Terrier puppies
Purebred jack russell terrier puppies available to go home with you today! They are 8 weeks and had their first round of shots. They all are very cute, cuddly and playful. We handle them every day and our toddler loves playing with them. Low price because we just want them to go to a good home and to help us cover the price of vaccines, docking tail and getting mom neutered. Located near Utica, NY. Call or text anytime xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Cute and smart pups available now
Jack Russell Terrier puppies available now, 4 males 3 females. They were born 7/3/2023 and are ready to build a new bond with their new family. They are eating both dry and canned dog food and starting to get potty training. Both parents are on site. They are part of the family and mostly roam the house. If you live far away, but fall in love with one of our puppies, we can arrange a delivery or meet you halfway. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail