Recently Adopted Jack Russell Terrier Puppies Near Kingsville
Registered Jack Russell Terrier Puppies
Jack Russell Terrier Puppies!! This litter was born May 11th!! There are 2 females that are still available. Their tails are docked and they are up to date on vaccinations and dewormings. They are registered as well. We\'re accepting deposits which will be nonrefundable unless something should happen to the puppy. ($150 deposit required to hold). We do accept deposits via PayPal or Venmo. They\'re doing great and are excited to find their FUR-ever homes! Both, mother and father are on site. We are located in Kingsville, MO.View Detail
Registered Jack Russell Terrier Puppies
We have been raising Jack Russells for 18 years and absolutely love them! They are very good companions and all of ours (including the puppies from each litter) have been raised around children and are wonderful with them! All puppies will be registered and up to date on dewormings and shots and will also have their tails docked. Our Jacks are all smooth coat and are roughly 12" to 19" tall, weighing between 14-24 pounds (full grown). Please message with any questions or if interested in purchasing one! There is $150 deposit required to hold any puppy of your choice! Additional pictures available upon request!View Detail