Recently Adopted Jack Russell Terrier Puppies Near Mecosta County
Jack Russell & Chihuahua mix puppy
He is black and little tan puppy who was born on Sept 4 and will be ready to go to his forever home on Oct 30. He will come with his first shots and be dewormed at age 7 weeks. If intetested in him TEXT me at xxx xxx xxx8.View Detail
Jack/Chi puppies
Halloween Jack/Chi puppies 5 wks old, will be available on Oct 28th. Asking $285 females and $255 males with a $50 deposit Western Union to secure puppy. If intetested call or text me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Jack/Chi puppies
Puppies were born on 08/31/18 and will be available on 10/28/18 for $285 females and $255 males with a $50 deposit sent through Western Union to secure your puppy. They will come with first shots and be dewormed. If onterested call xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail