Trainer is loving and attentive. He’s a protector at heart for a little guy. Tiffany is..
We have two males and one female still available. 12 weeks old. Tails have been docked an..
Ready to go home at 8 weeks which is January 28, 2025. Will have the tail docked and firs..
Our parent dogs are genetic tested and all of our puppies will go home vet checked and va..
Beautiful 8 week old female Jack Russell puppy. Farm raised,Vaccinated, trained to use do..
Previous owner before me said that he’s a jack russell mix and was born in March if you..
I have no papers if interested Tex me at xxx-xxx-xxxx..
We have one boy and three girls that are ready for their forever homes...
Ready to go home at 8 weeks which is January 28, 2025. Will have the tail docked and firs..
I have a5 month old male Jack Russell beautiful, friendly, playful,I have his shot record..
Hi I am selling a jack Russell mix with a Shih Tzu , he has all his shots and he’s well..
these pups are adorable looking for a forever home.If interested call for details xxxxxxx..
8 weeks old vaccinated dewormed serious inquiries only xxxxxxxxxx super sweet ready for n..
This sweet 10 week old male Pomeranian puppy is a bundle of joy and fluff! With his soft,..
We now have 1 male and 1 female left. Born on April 18th. They are cute, friendly and pla..
Males and females vaccinated dewormed serious inquiries only xxxxxxxxxx..
Pure breed Jack Russell Terrier Puppies. Super intelligent, playful and energetic. They w..
12 weeks old and ready to go. Eating solid food and starting to be housebroken. Purebred...
If you’re looking for a loyal, loving, and intelligent companion, one of our purebred G..
We have one boy and five girls for sale. Each is $300.00. The one boy is 4 weeks old and ..
Pure breed Jack Russell Terrier i have 3 females and 2 males born on 7 of april
The Jack..
Jack is 13 weeks was born on St Patrick's Day. He's ready for his home with you! He's ver..
CKC Registered, Born April 1st 2022, he is up to date on shots, worming, short leg, smoot..
We have 100% Golden Retrievers AKC registered puppies. Puppies are so playful ready to po..
Name is Kofi
Around 25lbs
Age 7months
Has all of his shots(shot records)
Great lovin..
5 month old jack Russell / xolo female jack Russell. Sweet puppy loves cuddles but needs ..
6 month old Jack Russell springer spaniel mix female, not spayed, shes playful, great wit..
Jack Russell Terrier Pups ready for new forever homes. DOB 04/04/2022 Up to date on vacci..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
American bully 2 males 2 females Abkc champion bloodlines ready to go to their forever ho..
Cane Corso puppies will be ready Jan 17 We have 6 boys 2 girls parents on site .They are ..
He is black with,white stripe on his tummy, and stripe around his nose and tip of his xxx..