Recently Adopted King Charles Spaniel Puppies Near Center Township
AKC registered King Charles Cavalier puppies
We have 3 AKC registered King Charles Cavalier puppies. We have 2 tricolor females and 1 blenheim boy. They were born September 23rd, 2019 and are ready for their forever homes.They will come with AKC registration, first set of shots and will be dewormed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks and a health contract. Parents are both AKC registered. Dad has 12 champions in 4 generations between the US and Europe. Both parents are very smart ,loving family dogs. We are located in Kokomo, Indiana. Serious inquiries only.View Detail
King Charles Cavalier puppies
We have 7 AKC registered King Charles Cavalier puppies.They were born Febuary 12,2017 and will be 6 weeks old on March 26,2017. Dad is AKC registered and has 12 champions in 4 generations in Europe and the United states. Mom is also AKC registered. They are loving smart family dogs. They will come with first shots and will be dewormed at 2,4,& 6 weeks. They will also come with AKC registration. If interested please call,text,or reply on here thank you cristaView Detail