Recently Adopted Labradoodle Puppies Near Richmond County
Puppy for sale
Blue is a 15 week old chocolate male labradoodle. He has 3 of his shots and has been dewormed. Very playful and friendly. Great with kids and other dogs. Weighs 25 pounds. Is crate trained and almost potty trained.View Detail
Labradoodle F1B Puppies
Precious Labradoodles litter of 10 pups born 4/22/2019. Pups will be ready for their forever homes on 6/15/19. Momma is CKC golden F1 Labradoodle bred by us. Daddy is cream CKC/AKC Standard Poodle with Champion bloodline. Both Sire & Dam have been health tested with CLEAR results. We pride ourselves in breeding healthy, strong puppies with smart & kind personalities. Our puppies are born in a clean environment with a loving family. Your puppy will come with CKC registration, vet check up, up to date shots & deworming. We are always available for support or questions as you raise this new member of your family. We have plenty of references &5 Stars on our FB page Detail
F1 Labradoodles CKC Reg.
7 wk old CKC Registered F1 Labradoodles. Call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx Males & females. Colors black, beige, different shades & markings. Dam is AKC Choc Lab. Sire is AKC White Poodle. Each pup is up to date with shots,dewormer,checked by vet and registration papers. References available. Come today and find a friend for life! xxx-xxx-xxxx More information at: Facebook @preciousgalabradoodlesView Detail
Labradoodle puppies coming in March
Hello we will be having a litter of beautiful labradoodles in about 2 months. They will be Utd on shots and wormings. Mom is AKC chocolate lab dad is white and apricot parti CKC. If you'd like to put a deposit down or get more info contact me. Solid black, white, apricot -(xxx-xxx) Chocolate- (900-950) Parti black and white (850-900) All other parti 950-1000(chocolate)View Detail