Recently Adopted Labradoodle Puppies Near Tulsa
Get em while they’re hot!!
These are F1B Labradoodle puppies, they were born June 27, 2023. They have had their first set of shots and have been dewormed twice. Looking for their forever homes and familiesView Detail
Labradoodle puppies
Born 11/10/22 Vet checked and vaccinated. Mom is cream 1/2 AKC lab and 1/2 AKC standard poodle. She is the most loving and affectionate dog I've ever had. Dad is chocolate with silver under coat full AKC standard poodle, happy and energetic but very chill. Both are smart, well behaved and love kids. Pups are happy playfully and well socialized. Our grand kids want to keep them all. Pups were 4 weeks old in pics. Calls only. No email will not respond. Must pick up and pay in person.If no answer leave a message as my home does not like cell phones. xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Curley black 2 males 5 females.
Cute as Bug, big big smart already know, off and no and come here puppy. Very curly so not much shedding. Mom and Dad on site. Using covid19 so please wear mask and I’ll take you to back yard I have gloves here. Text or call Lisa xxx–xxx-xxx0 includes Kindness vet hospital coupon for full exam, worming and shots. Dr saw them at 3 weeks I just wanted health check, they are fine. I will give copies of AKC and you call number and very little cost they send your AKC papers. However you or I will get papers but that I think 25 and copy of vet shot./visitView Detail