Loving snuggle buddies.
Frenchton/Pitbull mix.
Active and friendly, playful.
I have 3 ..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
11 Labradoodle puppies are looking for their forever home. The mom Lilly is a F1b labrado..
Mr. Grey was born on Oct.22, 2022. He is 8 months old. He was raised in my family home wi..
Mr. Brown is an F1bb labradoodle. He was born on Oct.xx,xxxx. He is 8 months old. He was ..
Mr. Black is an F1bb labradoodle. He was born on Oct.xx,xxxx. He is 8 months old. He was ..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..
Mr. Green is an F1bb labradoodle. He was born on Oct.xx,xxxx. He is 26-1/2 wks. old. He w..
Miss Pink is an F1bb labradoodle. She was born on Oct.xx,xxxx. She is 26-1/2 wks. old. Sh..
Mr. Black is an F1bb Labradoodle. He was born on Feb. 24,2023. He is almost 9 weeks old. ..
Mr. Brown-#2 is an F1bb Labradoodle. He was born on Feb.24,2023 and he is almost 9 weeks ..
We are being transferred and need to find a loving home for our 9 week old puppy...
Mr. Dark Blue is an F1bb Labradoodle. He is almost 17 weeks old. He was raised in my fami..
Mr. Light Green is an F1bb Labradoodle. He is almost 9 weeks old. He has been raised in m..
Miss Hot pink is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is almost 9 weeks old. She was raised in my fam..
Miss Light Pink is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is almost 9 weeks old. She was raised in my f..
Good bloodlines: Parents have ofa clearance on eyes, cardiac, thyroid, hips and elbows. A..
Miss Lilac is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is almost 9 weeks old. She was raised in my family..
Miss Orange is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is 19 weeks old. She has been raised in my family..
Miss White is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is almost 9 weeks old. She was raised in my family..
Miss Yellow is an F1bb Labradoodle. She is almost 9 weeks old. She was raised in my famil..
The Beautiful Blue puppies were born on November 28th and will be ready to go to their fo..
Beautiful, affectionate and Healthy CKC registered, F1B Labradoodle puppies with rich blo..
1 year old labradoodle for sale.
Golden and white coat
Will provide 1 bag of do..
I am selling my lovely dog he is 3 years old, he is potty training , because I am moving ..
3 beautiful female Labradoodles. They will be ready to go to their new home on October 12..
I have 6 F1B Aussiedoodle puppies looking for their forever homes. They are currently 8 w..
(5) male full bread French bulldogs. Born October 28th they are 8 weeks. They have AKC pa..
Ready to go. 9wk old shar pei puppys. 2 male 3 female, ready for new homes now. They are ..
She is so sweet. Wants to be with you. Shipping is 650. Call for more information..