Recently Adopted Labradoodle Puppies Near Walker County
4 year old pitt bull lab mix
very sweet playful Pitt bull lab mix loves other animals and children not aggressive at all hes 4 years old only reason why im getting rid of him is because of school i never have time amd he deserves a better homeView Detail
F1 labradoodle
Ready February 9, 2019! They will be 8 weeks and had their 6 week shots. Dewormed several times. Mother is black lab and father is cream standard poodle. We currently have 2 cream females, 1 chocolate male and 1 black female. Pictures and videos are available upon request. Call or text anytime xxx-xxx-xxxx. Previous puppies are also pictured. These puppies are raised indoors. Please call or text as I do not check e-mails often.View Detail