Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Beaumont
Akc yellow labrador puppies
We have a litter of AKC yellow lab puppies looking for homes Oct. 20th. 4 males and 1 female available. Both parents are akc and dna/health tested free of any genetic conditions. Both are great family dogs, mother loves to retrieve and duck hunt, is about 65lbs, father loves water and is 89lbs.View Detail
Yellow AKC labrador retriever puppies
We have a litter of awesome yellow labrador retriever pups that will be ready for their furever homes Oct. 20th 2022. They will heva dewclaws removed, dewormed at 2/4/6 weeks, first shots and heartworm before going to new homes. The parents are on site, please contact for any more information or pictures and to put a deposit down to reserve one of these pups, they wont last long! Located near Beaumont TexasView Detail
9 Lab puppies
I have 8 full blood lab puppies that will be ready for there forever home around may 15th. They will be dewormed and will atleast have 1st round of shots 4 male chocolate labs 2 male black labs 2 female black labs Dad- AKC Black lab, he is great duck hunting dog (I trained him) Mom- AKC chocolate lab, (doesn’t hunt) this is the 2nd time she has had puppies , both times with my male A deposit which will be taken off the asking price will be needed if you want me to hold one Text or call if insView Detail
smart and playful male and female lab puppies
smart and playful male and female lab puppies (xxx) xxx-xxx7 good charater ,good blood line ,upd xxxx.xxxxxx okView Detail