Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Bradley
Male Black Lab
I have 1 left. He is a male. He has a dimond on his chest.He is so friendly and loves kids and cats for some reason. Well behaved and loves to cuddle. He was born Aug 30th of this year. Liter of 9.He has no name and thats why im selling so cheap. He really needsa family so he can have a name. He has been to the vet all 9 of them and i have had all his up to date shots and examines. Paperwork for that will go w him. He really is a good boy. He deserves a great famiky. Im on this site cause i cant advertise on fb or any other app. Please somebody help him out. I will not give him or any other animal to any sheltor. But i cant keep him either.View Detail