Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Cattaraugus County
English Lab
Purebred black lab puppy, last in the litter. 8 weeks old, first shots, wormed and vet health checked. She is mostly house broke, crate trained and super sweet! She loves playing with her mom and dad, both on premesis, and will be great with other pets. She has no shortage of personality, and loves to cuddle after playtime.Bring her home today!View Detail
AKC black lab puppies
AKC black lab puppies 4 male 3 female. Mom AKC chocolate lab dad AKC black lab. All genetic testing done October 2021 prior to first litter. This is the second litter from both mom and dad. First vet visit scheduled for 1/23 ready to go home 2/4/2023View Detail
AKC black lab puppies
AKC black lab puppies born 12/11/2021. Mom is AKC chocolate lab dad is AKC black lab. No health issues in parents or grandparents. First shots and vet check up included puppies dewormed 12/20. Any questions please call or text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail