Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Hanover County
Puppy named bagel
This is Bagel . Hes a lab and beagle mix and hes so handsome. My foster son got him but had to move leaving his sweet boy behind. He will be one in December and has a good temperament. We would keep him but I have a5 lb havapoo and bagel doesnt know hes triple her size so we worry about the little one . Bagel needs to run he loves playing outside. My son brings his large dog and he loves playing with him so as far as I know hes good with other dogs. Never been with a cat . We love bagel we want him to go to a good home so we would want to know about the person who wants him . He is completely potty trained and up to date with all shots. He is neutered as well.There is a rehoming feeView Detail
AKC papers 5 males, 4 females silver labrador retrievers females - 1300$ with full regristration, 1000$ limited registration males - 1000$ with full registration, 800$ limited registration pups will have 1st set of shots and be dewormed be the go home. pups will be ready to go by april 19th. they were born febraury 19th 2017. sire has bird hunting in his bloodline and his father was used for hunting birds.taking deposits for hold on pups. both parents are AKC registered silver labrador retrievers. if interested please call or txt xxx-xxx-xxxx.i have the dad. the mom and pups are in chesapeake va!View Detail