Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Sevier County
AKC Labrador Retriever Puppies, White
Scarlet gave birth to 7 healthy pups on May 29, 2017. There are 3 females and 4 males. These pups come from Champion Bloodlines and are AKC registered. Both parents of this litter are fully health tested and the pups come with a2 year health guarantee. Both parents have excellent hips, normal elbows, eyes, heart, and thyroid. The father is clear for EIC and the mother is a carrier. Both parents are light cream colored (aka white), stocky English Labs. The pups will be vet checked, microchipped, fully de-wormed, and have their first shots and first heartworm pill before they leave here. The pups are also socialized, introduced to crates, and learn housebreaking with a doggie door (they are not housebroke at 8 weeks, but have a good start). The pups will be ready the weekend of July 22. A $200 deposit will reserve a pup for you. More info can be found at and on my Facebook page Detail