Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Campbell County
AKC Chocolate Labrador
6 males and 3 females. All are chocolate akc registered. 1st set of shots and dewormed every two weeks. Will be ready for forever home July4th 2024. Great family dog,trains very well and very smart. Loves kids snd a very good house pet.if interested i live in concord Virginia email address or phone xxx-xxx-xxxx. Puppies are wanting a loving homeView Detail
AKC Chocolate Labrador puppies
AKC Chocolate Labrador puppies 9weeks old AKC papers 1st set shots wormed at 4,6,8 weeks old. Ready for a forever home. Price reduced to 700. 3 males and 2 females. Please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or pm at xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Chocolate Labrador puppies needing a forever home
AKC registered Chocolate Labrador puppies ready for a forever home in two weeks November15th 2022. Dewormed,first set of shots and AKC papers. 7 males and 5 females. Father is 4 year old AKC registered Chocolate Labrador and mother is 2 year old registered AKC Silver Labrador. All on site in Concord Virginia. Please email at or and personal message at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
AKC Black Lab Puppies
AKC Registered Black Lab Puppies.... will be ready for a new home on February 29th.... will have first shots and dewormingView Detail