Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Santa Cruz
AKC Labrador Puppies
Purebred AKC Black Labrador puppies with pedigree and prepaid AKC registration available for rehoming. The litter was born 3/11/24. The puppies have undergone a veterinary evaluation and inspection (hernias, genitalia, occlusions, hearts, eyes, ears, temps and weights) and are current on their deworming cycle and vaccinations (DA2P + Parvo). The mother is Frisbee Huemer (AKC# SSxxxxxxxx), a 77-lb full breed Black Labrador Retriever who heralds from a rich bloodline of championship-caliber hunting dogs, and the father is Sir Apollo Creed of Hickman (AKC# SSxxxxxxxx), a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. Frisbee's parents are 78-lb Cookie (AKC #SRxxxxxxxx) and 86-lb Lucky (AKC #SRxxxxxxxx), both full-breed Black Labrador Retrievers who have completed Gundog Training Program from Hightest Kennels, and both of whom come from a very rich bloodline of champion caliber hunting dogs.View Detail