Recently Adopted Labrador Retriever Puppies Near Warren
For more photos or any questions at xxx-xxx-xxxx. All of our breeding Labradors are healthy, have great presonalites, are AKC registered, have health clerances, and have pedigrees. All of our puppies are sold to loving homes only! Our puppies go home with limited AKC registration, first puppy vaccines, deworming, puppy starter packet, microchipped, and one month free health insurance and of course lots of socialization.View Detail
AKC silver Labrador
AKC registered litter. Sire and dam genetic testing: clear. Vet checked, dew claws removed, 3 rounds deworming, ready to go home May 14. will provide copies health clearances and pedigrees. Limited registration 1000.00 call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail